October 20, 2017


Since you are my rock and my fortress, for the sake of your name lead and guide me.
Psalm 31:3

Another year has come to a close and I am presented with an opportunity to reflect. Time passes quickly. This helps me to take seriously the days I have been given and what has been accomplished on this path that I have chosen to walk. As the year closes I am given an opportunity to not only look back but to look forward and see if there are some changes that I would like to make. For many this is a time of New Year's resolutions.

Today, I would like to challenge myself to look at two aspects of my life. How have I done in the past and what can I do differently in the future that might make a difference? I will sit down and think and maybe write down all the material things that God has trusted me to care for. Then I will do the same with the nonmaterial qualities of life.

I think God would like us to be thankful for what He has given and to be generous with the resources we have been trusted to manage.

Wishing you a blessed 2012. 

Warmly - Dave Lockie

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