October 20, 2017
"Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom." Psalm 90:12 It is difficult to realize how fast a year passes, and it seems that the older I get, the faster the years fly! Last year, Jennie and I spent most of the spring and summer in Phoenix for my back surgeries, and time passed quickly. After a glorious autumn, winter hit hard with minus 20 degrees for several days. We were reminded that a hard winter is truly hard!As Jennie and I begin to plan for 2014, I ask myself, "How can I ensure I spend my time wisely. Are there projects that I need to start? People I need to spend time with?" It is easy to get in a rut with just getting up early, going to bed early, and suddenly another day is gone. There are, after all, only 365 days in a year. Am I using them as God intended? May we be God's servants each day and do what He puts before us. Thank you to everyone for another great year at Mountain Arts Pottery and The Coffee Pot Bakery Café. We appreciate you and the friendships that we have built with so many of you. May you have a great 2014 and truly know how to number your days.God Bless,Dave
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