Change of Seasons

October 20, 2017

Change of Seasons

The nice thing about living where we do, we get to see the changing of the seasons in so many ways. Not only does the weather change drastically, so do the activities of the studio and our store.

We have moved into production mode to build the inventory that will be needed this summer and are nearly finished with our Yellowstone National Park order as well as some other seasonal summer stores.

Summer is our busiest season, outside of the month of December, so as soon as we get our seasonal orders sent out, we try to build the inventory needed for our own store shelves as sales begin to increase.

The WEB becomes more active as summer arrives and people are thinking about special customized wedding gifts. Our goal is to ship more rapidly on the WEB orders, so having the inventory available helps make this a reality.

I remember years ago asking another potter who was a friend of mine, when he began his production for his busy Christmas season, and was shocked when he said that he starts in August. Having now done pottery for 37 years, I understand where he was coming from and we start working on product for the Store and the Kiosk around the end of the summer.

Kristy has been working for several years planting bulbs, fertilizing everything, and trimming back the overgrowth of the shrubs, and because of her hard work and green thumb, sitting in the back patio or in the front yard is beautiful, pleasant experience. We get many comments from our guests who enjoy her gifting.

The big anticipation that Jennie and I have is the arrival of summer residents, who will begin to come soon. We have just said good-by to those who are here for the winter activities and now it is time to say hello to our summer friends and visitors. It is amazing what kind of relationships can be built with people you see only three or four times a year. God has blessed Jennie and me with such great friends. Hopefully our store is about not just about the new friends we have made this week but also the ones we have known for years. I love the verse in the old song that goes, "Make new friends, but keep the old, the one is silver and the other gold." Thanks for being our silver and gold.

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