October 20, 2017
“As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease.” Genesis 8:22
What a beautiful fall we have had in Montana!
The colors have been brilliant and a hard freeze didn't dismay the turning leaves. We did have threats of early snow that could have wreaked havoc on the trees whose leaves hadn't fallen; but that, fortunately, didn't transpire. Then the leaves began to fall to the ground and the autumn chores began. We raked our yard, as the city truck was coming in the morning to pick up leaves. A stiff east wind blew most of the leaves back into our yard, and in the morning it looked as if we hadn't raked at all!
It is the season when we do fall maintenance at the store as well. Kristy cut down all of the flowers, did some pruning and in general spruced up the yard and grounds. Last week, a crew took all of the pottery out of the store, boxed it up and put it on our back deck. Then they moved all of the display cased out and dusted and mopped the floor. They moved displays around; cleaned them off and brought back all of the freshly cleaned handthrown pottery.
Andrew is training Joey in the shipping department, and he has given him a clean, organized, and well-stocked work station. What a joy it is to see the shelves packed full of handmade stoneware pottery ready to ship all over the country.
Because it is getting too cold to have our guests sit outside in the yard or on the deck, we were finding ourselves short of restaurant space, so in our cleanup we moved a few things around, took out a cabinet, and created additional seating. Our customers love the fresh and cozy feel and it feels good to have things squeaky clean before our the arrival of our busy holiday season.
The older we get, the faster time seems to pass. Thanksgiving is late this year, and in a blink of an eye it will be the Christmas season. I often think the wonderful Thanksgiving holiday is overshadowed. by the flashier Halloween and Christmas holidays, but it seems appropriate to take the time to tell our loyal customers how very thankful we are for your continued support and encouragement. Have a blessed Thanksgiving.
Many Blessings,
Dave Lockie
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