October 20, 2017
Earlier, I introduced readers to some of the staff of the pottery studio, the throwers. The throwers create the pottery at the wheel, but it is the processors who complete the job.
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October 20, 2017
It was September 2002 when Jennie and I were driving back from a pottery show in Boise, Idaho. Just south of four corners in Bozeman, Montana we passed log cabin.
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October 20, 2017
The nice thing about living where we do, we get to see the changing of the seasons in so many ways. Not only does the weather change drastically, so do the activities...
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October 20, 2017
Another year has come to a close and I am presented with an opportunity to reflect. Time passes quickly. This helps me to take seriously the days I have been given.
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October 20, 2017
Jennie and I are in Phoenix visiting our daughter Kiersten and her husband Dave. Jennie's siblings are all here and quite a few members of her extended family.
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October 20, 2017
I was giving a friend a ride to the airport last year when she was going home for Easter. Her flight left early and we had a chance to visit during our predawn drive to the airport.
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October 20, 2017
We are getting ready to deliver our first load of pottery to Xanterra for their summer season in Yellowstone National Park. Yellowstone has a real close place in Jennie's and my heart.
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October 20, 2017
This week Jennie and I had the opportunity to visit my sister at Flathead Lake in Big Fork, Montana. My older sister and her husband own a cherry orchard on the lake.
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October 20, 2017
"The sleep of a laborer is sweet, whether he eats little or much, but the abundance of a rich man permits him no sleep." Ecclesiastes 5:12
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October 20, 2017
"Consider how the lilies grow. They don't work or spin yarn, but I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was clothed like one of them." Luke 12:27
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